“The Dark Knight Rises” Theater Standee Lets You Send Your Message to Gotham Caleb Hamilton, July 19, 2012July 19, 2012 The Dark Knight Rises is out this weekend, and as you can imagine, people are bursting at the seams with excitement. TO help fans get even more excited for the film, Warner Bros. have been rolling out special standees to movie theaters that allow you to record a short video as a character from the film. And now you can do it from the comfort of your own home. More after the jump!Message to Gotham theater standees lets fans choose to be either Bane, Catwoman or Batman and record a 8-second video of themselves sending a message to Gotham. After the video processes, you can enter your email address and choose to have your video featured in the public online gallery. The video will be sent a few days later along with a confirmation that the video will appear in the online gallery, if you selected that option. Below, I’ve included a couple of videos done at the standee. Note: The second video is NSFW as it contains some strong language.You don’t have to visit a movie theater to make a video anymore! Warner Bros. has launched a full website so that more people can have access to the Message to Gotham service. You’ll need a webcam as well as a special plug-in (which you’ll be able to download directly from the site). After you record your video,the plug-in will automatically download the video to your computer and you are given the option to share it in the public gallery. With the video already on your computer’s hard drive, you can then upload it to your favorite social network.The Dark Knight Rises in theaters and IMAX July 20th! Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos The Dark Knight RisesTheater StandeeViral marketing
Viral Video: Inception Trailer, 1950s Version October 5, 2010Youtube user krishnashenoi93 (via /Film) has made a really cool Inception trailer that is done in the style of the 1950s. I’ve seen a lot of parodies and remixes done to Inception, but this is one of the few really creative ones that is proficiently made. Check it after the… Read More
Meet the Greeks of “Monsters University” April 17, 2013Yahoo! has released some new photos for Pixar’s upcoming prequel Monsters University. The images are framed photos of the various fraternities and sororities on campus, as well as the Greek Council leaders. We get to see our favorites Mike, Sulley, and even Randy, as well as a load more characters…. Read More
The Office: The Halpert Baby Has A Blog February 12, 2010Following last week’s release of the Sabre Corp. website, NBC has gone live with another viral blog for The Office. This time it’s the “Halpert Baby Blog.” Maintained by Pam Halpert herself, the page offers some intriguing facts about the impending addition to Halpert family. So far, there’s an entry… Read More