“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Online Dan Koelsch, August 9, 2012 Just over a month ago, we showed you the trailer for H+ The Digital Series, a web series being co-produced by acclaimed director and House M.D. executive producer Bryan Singer. The series is about a future where many people have a device (called H+) hooked up to their brains to keep them on the Internet 24/7, but something terrible is coming. The first two episodes debuted online yesterday, so watch them after the break. Along with subscribing to the YouTube channel, you can also follow the series on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. Let us know what you think of the series so far in the comments below! Viral Marketing Viral Videos Bryan SingerH PlusH+web seriesYouTube
2012: Soren Ulfert is on the Run October 21, 2009October 21, 2009Soren Ulfert thought only his career was in jeopardy by working against the IHC. He thought wrong. In his latest blog, Ulfert explains why he hasn’t updated his blog in about a week. Apparently he went to the IHC offices on Friday just to check up on his old projects… Read More
Assemble Your Own Avengers Music Video Remix May 12, 2012Aside from a ridiculous amount of Assemble puns, Marvel has a new YouTube channel that allows you to piece together a music video. Like the fan-made commercial for LOST and DVD trailer for Law Abiding Citizen, it supplies you with the materials you need to get your creative juices flowing…. Read More
Iron Man 2: Accutech Sends Out Package April 8, 2010With Iron Man 2 less than a month away, the viral updates are coming thick and fast as Paramount and Marvel ramp up the campaign before the release. Today our friends at the UK site HeyUGuys received a package from Accutech, the company set up by Tony Stark to bring… Read More