Check Out “The Beauty Inside” First Look Trailer Dan Koelsch, August 12, 2012August 11, 2012 A few weeks ago, we told you about the new social film The Beauty Inside, a romantic tale sponsored by Intel and Toshiba (makers of the social thriller Inside). The film follows Alex, a guy (voiced internally by Topher Grace) who wakes up every morning in a new body. The social aspect is that you have a chance to play a version of Alex. This week, a “First Look Trailer” was released that provides a lot details about the film. Take a look after the break. The Beauty Inside debuts on Facebook on August 16th. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos IntelSocial FilmThe Beauty InsideToshiba
Coke Zero Has New Interactive “TRON: Legacy” Games and Exclusive Content November 25, 2010Coke Zero is to TRON: Legacy as Dr. Pepper was to Iron Man 2. Coke has given us a new mobile iPhone app, interactive cups, new videos, a thinner waistline, and more! Find out all about it after the jump. Read More
Watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Full Trailer March 11, 2010You’ve waited for it, and here it is. The first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has finally premiered online at Yahoo. Yesterday’s 10 second preview of the teaser already has almost 3 million views on YouTube, so I expect the full thing to be even more popular. You can… Read More
Viral Video for Toy Story 3 Discovered April 26, 2010April 26, 2010It looks like the guys behind Toy Story 3 aren’t happy just riding the franchise’s existing popularity to the bank. Pixar has been doing some interesting marketing for the film, and that looks to be continuing with a viral video that shows a 1983 commercial for the “Lots-o’-Huggin’ Bear”, which… Read More