Check Out Social Film “The Beauty Inside” Episode 4 Dan Koelsch, September 7, 2012 Toshiba and Intel’s social film The Beauty Inside debuted its fourth episode of six yesterday. Learn more about the project and how you can get involved by checking out their Facebook page, and watch the episode after the jump. Alex (internally voiced by Topher Grace) is a 20 something male who refurbishes antiques. His life is lonely not only because of his offbeat profession, but because everyday he wakes up in an entirely new body. So far, it’s worked out well for him, but all that changes when he meets Emily (played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Alex finally gets a body worthy of a date with Emily, but since then, it’s been more complicated. Watch the episode below. Social Networks Viral Marketing IntelSocial FilmThe Beauty InsideToshibaweb series
This Week In Viral – Our First Viral Ends March 15, 2009July 18, 2010The Watchmen viral appears to be officially over, as noted by the elimination of its page from our site. This is the first viral we’ve covered at MoveViral to end, so this is an important moment for us. Check out the forum if you want to talk about your reaction… Read More
Official Super 8 Trailer Now Online! May 11, 2010May 11, 2010Paramount has released an official online version of J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 trailer, and let me tell you, it looks much better in high definition than it did bootlegged. As Alex from FirstShowing mentions, there’s strangely some extra footage at the end that’s just black and has no sound (that… Read More
Could The “They’re Here” Mystery Be Solved? October 7, 2010We are just a few days away from everything being revealed about the film They’re Here, a film whose viral campaign we have covered extensively. However, the guys over at SciFi Mafia seem to think they have figured out what the movie really is, thanks in part to our exclusive… Read More