SNL Takes On Taken 2 and California Dan Koelsch, October 14, 2012October 14, 2012 Saturday Night Live had Up All Night star Christina Applegate as host last night. My favorite sketch of the night was Tech Talk: iPhone 5, but we got two good movie/TV sketches as well. There’s a trailer for a movie that combines Taken 2 and Expendables 2, as well as another episode of The Californians. Check them out after the break. Watch more skits from the show on or Hulu. Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Saturday Night LiveSNLViral videoViral Videos
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Campaign Wants Your Original Artwork! May 9, 2013May 9, 2013Briefly: We’ve been following the lackluster Star Trek Into Darkness Are You The 1701 campaign quite closely since it went live last week. The first “mission” was to submit pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine that were inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” 1701 fans were rewarded with… Read More
Patton Oswalt Filibusters Plot For “Star Wars: Episode VII” & “The Avengers” Tie-In Movie On “Parks & Rec” April 17, 2013April 18, 2013After turning in one of the most emotionally charged reactions to the Boston Marathon Bombings on Facebook and appearing as The Penguin in College Humor’s parody of Christopher Nolan’s Batman, Patton Oswalt name is back again. This time its for political reasons, but not for gun control or anything serious,… Read More
NBC’s YouTube Clip for “Awake” Causes Controversy Because of Views February 25, 2012NBC’s new psychological crime drama Awake premieres this coming Thursday, but the network has made a big push online to build awareness. You can find the pilot episode on several websites, including YouTube, where it currently has less than 15,000 views. So how does a clip from the show posted… Read More
I forgot to watch SNL last night. I am sorry that I missed seeing Christina Applegate as the host of the show. I knew there was something I forgot to do last night and now I remember what it was. I like Christina Applegate and I am sorry I forgot to watch the show.
The iPhone 5 complaint skit was my favorite of the night, though I did love the Californians. Christina Applegate does have a way of being so natural. I wasn’t able to catch the show the other night since I was working late at DISH. I set my Hopper a while back to automatically record the entire season to the two terabyte DVR and then watched it the next morning. I am just happy that I can watch it when I want without having to worry about how much recording space I’ve got. I can’t wait to see Bruno Mars next week!