First Augmented Reality Processor To Be Used In Mobile Phones Alex Gerage, February 22, 2013February 22, 2013 We naturally tend to focus on the creative aspects of viral marketing and augmented reality campaigns, but every once in a while we hear of technological advancements that hold the potential to dramatically change the size and shape of viral and ARG campaigns going forward. Augmented reality software developer Metaio announced this week they are partnering with wireless platform maker ST-Ericsson to integrate the first augmented reality processor, dubbed the “AREngine,” into their future mobile platforms. Hit the jump to learn just what this technology means and how it may impact ARG campaigns in the future.Metaio says their AREngine processor will dramatically increase the speed and precision needed to run and expand the use of augmented reality tasks on mobile phones, while also being more efficient in its power usage. The notion of an augmented reality processor integrated into mobile device certainly distinguishes itself from the downloadable AR apps we have seen become popular over the last year or so, that are limited in what they can do outside of a singular, often gimmicky, task.Metaio’s announcement video below explains the technology better than I could by showing its use in action. The video does a nice job capturing how seamlessly the AREngine recognizes objects, in this case several large buildings, and applies the virtual content over it so the users can see it on their phone. It makes for a truly encompassing technology. As the press release states, and Metaio’s “Always on. Always augmented.” slogan shows, both parties in this partnership hope to spur the widespread adoption of augmented reality activity among consumers. I think it is only a matter of time before such a shift occurs, and when it does, marketers will undoubtedly seek innovative ways to incorporate this new tool into their campaigns. We might be a ways away from such things coming to fruition, but such a technology promises to dramatically change how we will receive, and more importantly, interact, with content. ARGs & Campaigns AREngineARGaugmented realityMetaiomobile technologyST-Ericsson
The 1701 Have Been Chosen in “Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral; New Trailer Debuting Tomorrow May 1, 2013May 1, 2013Last week, we reported that the long-dormant Star Trek Into Darkness viral site went live with a social media contest using Instagram and Vine. Paramount gave fans a week to enter the contest, where they had to take a picture or video inspired by Star Trek or “the future.”… Read More
Is “The Inside Experience” Coming To An End? August 3, 2011If you’re getting tired of our updates for The Inside Experience, well then you might be in luck. Yet another episode was posted today (#7 if you’re counting), and it seems like Christina has finally had enough. Watch the episode after the break and read how you can participate in… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Let Me In Wraps Up Viral Campaign With Behind the Scenes Footage and a Blast From The Past September 11, 2010September 11, 2010We have one more viral reveal for Overture’s Let Me In, and fortunately it’s not as difficult to get to. If you type in one of the posters’ taglines, “Innocence Dies, Abby Doesn’t”, as a URL, you get a behind-the-scenes clip hosted on the site’s Facebook app. MovieViral has also… Read More