“Elevator Murder Experiment” Viral Video Promotes “Dead Man Down” Dan Koelsch, March 4, 2013October 7, 2013 What would you do if you walked into a murder in progress? Our second prank video of the past week asks that very question by staging a murder attempt in a New York City elevator. The video was made to promote this weekend’s theatrical release of Dead Man Down, a revenge thriller staring Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace. Take a look at how people reacted after the break.As alluded to above, we had another prank video last week, that time for The Last Exorcism Part II. These videos seem like a relatively cheap and effective way for smaller studios like FilmDistrict and CBS Films to grab people’s attention, as shown by The Last Exorcism’s video getting over 1 million views in less than a week. Both videos have been released on the Monday before their film’s opening weekend and within one week of each other, so the same marketing company is making them. This reminds me a bit of Thinkmodo’s past work, but I’m not sure if it’s them this time around.Thanks to Robert Morvay for the heads up. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Dead Man DownPrankThinkmodoViral video
Mysterious ‘It Starts With the Flu’ Countdown Ends In One Week, What Is It For? August 31, 2010September 2, 2010Over a year ago, a mysterious website was found by Unfiction members called It Starts With The Flu. On the simple one-page site, a countdown has been running, with the time ending at midnight on the morning of September 8th, just over one week away. The question “Will You Survive?”… Read More
LOST Viral Video Round-Up May 22, 2010May 21, 2010The series finale is tomorrow, and there is a plethora of LOST content on the web. We’ve tried to wrangle up some of the best videos for your viewing pleasure, as well as guide you in the right direction for even more. Check out what we caught after the break. Read More
Weyland Industries Are Looking For New Recruits For Project Prometheus May 30, 2012August 4, 2012To help with the marketing for Prometheus, Fox and Mircosoft Internet Explorer have teamed up for a new direction in the viral marketing for the film. The new aspect of the viral campaign involves you the user testing your physical and cognitive capabilities. Hit the jump to find out just… Read More