Watch All Four Episodes of NBC “Revolution” Web Prequel Dan Koelsch, March 18, 2013 Last month, we told you about the prequel web series for NBC’s new hit show Revolution. At the time, only the first episode was live, but now all four episodes are available to watch. Check them all out after the break. Revolution returns with new episodes on Monday, March 25th at 10 PM. You can catch-up on all of Season 1 to date on for a limited time, where you can also check out the season-to-date recap or watch the pilot with commentary from the director Jon Favreau and writer Eric Kripke. Viral Marketing Viral Videos NBCRevolutionweb serieswebisodes
Watson Reviews Violin Online On Behalf of “Sherlock” March 20, 2013The BBC’s Sherlock has had a strong viral presence since debuting in 2010, as we’ve talked about before. The modern day retelling of Sherlock Holmes has a huge fanbase, including on Reddit, where someone recently found a review on the Cardiff Violin website done by John Watson on behave of… Read More
QR Code Pattern Discovery Leads to Tons of “Branded” Content July 2, 2012July 2, 2012Set in a dystopian future where corporate brands have created a disillusioned population, one man’s effort to unlock the truth behind the conspiracy will lead to an epic battle with hidden forces that control the world. This is the official description for the sci-fi thriller Branded looks to unlock the… Read More
Follow Up: “Who Is Patient Zero?” Becomes A Novel October 13, 2011October 14, 2011Last year we told you about a burgeoning viral campaign for a zombie film. For those who wondered whatever happened with the campaign and even the movie itself, we have an update. Find out the details, including the major change to the project, after the break. Read More