“Man of Steel” Website Source Code Reveals Countdown Dan Koelsch, April 12, 2013April 13, 2013 Earlier today, we told you about the Man of Steel homepage having a static video that you had to click on to get through to the site. The video has changed a few times, including sometime this evening to c934k200. More importantly, the Man of Steel Facebook fan page figured out that there’s a countdown hidden in the website’s source code. The section labeled “var deltaT =” has a number that gets smaller with every page refresh. If we assume the number is seconds, and we add the current number to the current time, we get 6PM PDT on Monday. It’s a good bet that is when the 3rd trailer will debut. It’s still unclear why the video keeps changing, so we’ll keep you updated. Click here for more of our coverage. Viral Marketing Man of Steel
Watch Disney Channel’s Sneak Peek of Tron Legacy September 10, 2010Usually the Disney Channel isn’t much good for anything except the occasional Pixar film, but their ‘sneak peek’ into Disney’s Tron Legacy actually has some pretty cool battle footage. The video is hosted by stars Olivia Wilde and Garrett Hedlund, and you can watch it after the jump. Read More
Download Five Tracks From “The Social Network” Soundtrack For Free September 18, 2010September 18, 2010One of the more interesting components of the Facebook exposé The Social Network is its soundtrack. It was revealed back in July that Trent Reznor, the founder and lead singer for Nine Inch Nails, would be providing the score for the film. This is the first theatrical release Reznor has… Read More
Graphic Designer Creates Viral Video As Job Application for Joss Whedon’s “S.H.I.E.L.D.” Series September 24, 2012September 24, 2012Adam Levermore has created propaganda posters for Battlestar Galactica, officially licensed travel posters for Serenity. He’s designed the logos for several YouTube shows including Wil Wheaton’s Table Top. He was also the concept designer on the Super 8 iPhone app. With the news of Joss Whedon creating a S.H.I.E.L.D. TV… Read More