Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter Breaks Backer Record With 7 Hours To Go Dan Koelsch, April 12, 2013 We are in the final hours of the historic Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter, and just a little bit ago they broke another record. The previous record for most backers for a single project was 87,142 for Double Fine Adventure, but as of this article’s writing, Veronica Mars is at 87,890 with six hours left to widen the gap. We have more updates on the project after the break. The other big recent accolade for the project was reaching $5 million pledged on Wednesday, which has already climbed to over $5.5 million. Rob Thomas posted a reaction video, and stars Jason Dohring and Kristen Bell also posted videos in recent hours on the Veronica Mars YouTube Channel. Check them out below. The Kickstarter page has been updated with lots of new rewards for people, including more premiere tickets and Comic-Con packages. So, check it out and donate if you haven’t already, and click here for more of our coverage. Viral Marketing KickstarterVeronica Mars
Play “The Expendables 2: Deploy and Destroy” Online Game August 18, 2012August 18, 2012The Expendables 2 may be out in theaters already here in the US, but in Australia fans have to wait until August 30th. To appease their appetite for destruction, Australia’s Roadshow Films and Soap Creative have created an online game for The Expendables 2 called Deploy and Destroy. Play to… Read More
Build and Test Drive Your Own “The Dark Knight Rises” Tumbler! July 9, 2012July 9, 2012The Tumbler (and the Bat-Pod) have been Batman’s high-powered modes of transportation in Christopher Nolan’s last two Bat-flicks. Unfortunately, *SPOILER ALERT* the Tumbler was destroyed by the Joker in The Dark Knight. The Tumbler will return in The Dark Knight Rises, but may not be used much by Batman. Fans… Read More
Help Choose The Ending of the “Clue”-centric 100th Episode of the TV Show “Psych” March 25, 2013To celebrate the 100th episode of the long-running USA comedic detective series Psych, they’re allowing fans to dictate how the show ends live on the air. To find out more about the episode and how you can participate in the vote this Wednesday, hit the jump for details. Read More