Cheech and Chong Take Over for 420 Dan Koelsch, April 20, 2013 Your favorite on-screen stoners, Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong, have teamed up with comedy website Funny or Die to celebrate 420, which is the unofficial holiday for marijuana enthusiasts. They’ve made several videos, which you watch after the break or in this playlist. Cheech & Chong's TED Talk from CheechAndChong Cheech & Chong's History of 420 from CheechAndChong Cheech & Chong's Movie Review from CheechAndChong Cheech & Chong Count to 1 Minute from CheechAndChong Cheech & Chong Read the Bible from CheechAndChong Viral Marketing Viral Videos Cheech and ChongFunny or DieViral video
Video and My Account of The Crazies Premiere February 25, 2010February 25, 2010As I briefly mentioned in my review of the film this morning, the premiere of The Crazies was an event like no other. Overture really went all out to get this audience pumped for the film, treating it like a military quarantine. I’ll explain the “crazy” night (my first premiere!)… Read More
Iron Man 2: Audi-Tony Stark Innovation Challenge and Whiplash Online Game April 28, 2010Want to be Whiplash from Iron Man 2, but you aren’t a Russian genius, nor do you have $60 to plop down on the game? You’re in luck, thanks to the Iron Man 2 UK site (which is increasing becoming better than the US version). But wait. What if you… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Djol203 August 7, 2012August 7, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More