The Abomination Featured in “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Viral Video Dan Koelsch, May 9, 2013May 9, 2013 A video is making the rounds today online, and is apparently be promoting Marvel’s new television show Agents of SHIELD (which is expected to have a full season pick up tomorrow). The 7 second clip seems to show events from a previous Marvel Studios film. Check it out after the break. The new show is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, so it’s not surprising that the above footage looks to be from the 2008 The Incredible Hulk. Specifically, it looks to show Hulk’s nemesis the Abomination during the climatic fight in Harlem, with the camera analyzing the hulking monster.The big “Rising Tide” watermark is a bit of a mystery, but Disney has bought the relevant (though currently not operational) domains WEARETHERISINGTIDE.COM, WHATISTHERISINGTIDE.COM, and THERISINGTIDEISHERE.NET. It doesn’t look to be a real organization or anything from Marvel comics, but there are rumors that it might be an opposing faction to SHIELD.We’ll keep you updated as we know more, since it looks like Disney might be trying a viral campaign for the new series. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos ABCAgents of SHIELDDisneyMarvel
Now’s The Time To Sign The “Tim & Eric Billion Dollar Movie” Pledge January 27, 2012January 27, 2012Sundance is not only home to some of the best movies the world has to offer, its also the place where various movie studios bid to purchase the rights to distribute them. But since this is a site about viral marketing, we aren’t going to cover any purchases, and instead… Read More
Watch NBC’s Community Web Series April 23, 2010As we promised, NBC’s Community debuted their first ever webisodes yesterday on their homepage. In “The Spanish Video Assignment”, Abed and Starburns present their video assignment to the Spanish class. Though highly entertaining, the video didn’t follow the guidelines, so Professor Chang allows them to do it over again, as… Read More
2012: The Truth Revealed November 21, 2009Well, at least in the eyes of Saturday Night Live. It wouldn’t take long for those known for their political mockery to come up with, what is hopefully never to happen, but the “real” reason behind the 2012 apocalypse. If the IHC is watching, please, help us! How’s that ark… Read More