Fifth and Possibly Final “Man of Steel” Trailer Brings the Action Dan Koelsch, May 22, 2013 Yesterday, the Man of Steel homepage had another transmission when you first get to the site. We expected it to lead to a new trailer, and we were right (though sooner than expected). Watch the “Fate of Your Planet” trailer after the break. If you want to go a bit more in-depth into the trailer, check out this Imgur album of screenshots. The trailer utilizes some of the viral elements we’ve been covering, including the transmission of Zod calling out Kal-El. There seems to even be a few callbacks to the prequel comic.Man of Steel flies into theaters on June 14th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Man of SteelTrailer
Viral Video Round Up: The X-Files, Olivia Munn, Joss Whedon, Supercuts Galore, And More! August 19, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Catch Up on “H+” With New and Annotated Episodes September 3, 2012September 3, 2012If you’ve been watching Bryan Singer’s web series H+, you might be a little confused by its non-linear structure. Fortunately, the makers behind the series are aware of this dilemma, so they have started re-uploading episodes with annotations to help you piece the story together. The episodes are not embeddable… Read More
Apollo 18 Document #4 Shows Rocket Ready For Launch? January 7, 2011January 9, 2011NASA has a major leak on their hands, as we now have the 3rd Top Secret document in a week on the Apollo 18 mission, and the 4th overall since mid-December. After the last document explained what would be needed to prepare for a launch, this new one shows that… Read More