New Marvel App Puts Iron Man’s JARVIS In The Palm Of Your Hands Michael Lee, September 12, 2013September 11, 2013 Three movies and an Avengers film later, Marvel has unveiled a brand new app that allows you to experience what it’s like to have your very own JARVIS. JARVIS, of course, is the AI assistant to Tony Stark/Iron Man. Not only can the AI be helpful in a pinch, but the app has even captured his humor and wit. The release is just a small tease, as it remains incomplete until the release of the Iron Man 3 DVD and Blu-ray, which his store shelves September 24.That doesn’t make it a complete downer, as the App has plenty of functions to keep the user busy. Unfortunately it is very limited and it’s not even remotely enough to give Siri a run for her money, but it is enough to be entertaining. Hit the jump to read my thoughts on the app.As aforementioned, the app brings the experience of having JARVIS to your home. You can program reminders, set alarms, customize ringtones, tell you what the weather is like, even post updates on Facebook. If one purchases the DVD and/or Blu-ray, you will be able to have the second screen experience by take pictures of the various armors of the Iron Legion and add them to your collection. Sounds great at first, but that’s all the app really does. And it is only available to iOS devices. Think of the JARVIS app as a very simplified version of Siri.Although if there comes a time where a fully functional JARVIS app can run like Siri, you can be sure that there will be people who will pay good money – myself included – just to have the AI on their phone.There is somewhat of an upside though. Paul Betanny, the voice of JARVIS, has recorded over 20 hours of content. So you will be able to interact with the AI in a variety of ways, and he will banter with you. Press the glowing icon enough, and you will see him react in such a way that you wish you didn’t store so much info on your apple device.Below is a small video explaining how the app works. The JARVIS application is for free and available for download now. Iron Man 3 hits DVD and Blu-ray shelves on September 24. Apps Iron Man 3JarvisMarvel
The Dictator: Compete in the Wadiyan Games As General Aladeen April 30, 2012Briefly: In Paramount Pictures’ upcoming comedy The Dictator, Sacha Baron Cohen plays the title character, General Aladeen of Wadiya. The new iOS game The Dictator: Wadiyan Games “lets you step into the shoes of the General Aladeen and compete in his four favorite events – running, swimming, fencing and boxing.”… Read More
Do You Live Near a ‘Murder House’? This “American Horror Story” App Will Let You Know September 21, 2012September 21, 2012You know how when you buy a house, the real estate agent is supposed to tell you the home’s history? What if the house you were looking at purchasing had a very gruesome, blood-stained past? You probably wouldn’t buy it and move on to the next listing. Well believe it… Read More
Play The Movie Version of “Battleship” on Facebook April 8, 2012While the Universal Pictures sci-fi action flick Battleship may bare little resemblance to the Hasbro board game it is based on, that doesn’t mean the two can’t merge. The Facebook game Battleship: The Battle For Earth Begins At Sea lets you play the classic strategy game with your Facebook fans… Read More