Marvel Releases First “Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude” Comic Kevin C, January 28, 2014 In the lead up to releasing Captain America: Winter Soldier, Marvel has released a comic that tells a prequel story that includes Cap himself, Black Widow and Rumlow. The comic looks to be a series leading up to the April movie release. You can get the first issue of Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude today. Hit the jump to find out more about this new Marvel venture.This time around, Captain America and Black Widow are working with Rumlow in downtown Chicago. A mysterious weapon called The Zodiac has fallen into enemy hands. The group is on a race to find out who has the Zodiac and to stop them before it’s too late. All the while, Cap is questioning the motives of his handlers, S.H.I.E.L.D. Expect this theme to be a big part of the upcoming sequel.You may have seen Rumlow in the Winter Soldier trailer getting quite a beating at the hands of Cap in an elevator. This suggests Rumlow and the Captain will not exactly be on the best of terms on the comic. The Zodiac was last mentioned in the recent Marvel One Shot: Agent Carter. This is customary for Marvel to make callbacks and add to canon in various ways, so it will be interesting what we see revealed as the comic progresses.Currently, it’s unclear the number of issues in the comic’s run. Issue number one is out and ready to be purchased at $2.99. Captain America: The Winter Soldier starring Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Redford rolls into theatres April 4, 2014. News Captain America: The Winter SoldierChris EvansCobie SmuldersMarvel StudiosRobert Redfordsamuel l. jacksonScarlett JohanssonSebastian Stan
BAFTA Awards: The Results February 22, 2010It’s almost upon us. The awards show that the world looks forward to the most, The Oscars, will take place in just under 2 weeks time. Along with the Screen Actors Guild’s Awards, The BAFTA Awards have log been seen as a precursor to the way in which The Oscars… Read More
The Boondock Saints Media Blitz April 23, 2010April 23, 2010As we’ve covered in the past, The Boondock Saints films have been a success based on their fans, and in addition to that, having their fans spread the love and show their appreciation. And, time and time again, the fan is repaid. Whether it be a special screening, a special… Read More
New “The Grand Budapest Hotel Posters” Character Posters and Spotify Playlists April 8, 2014April 8, 2014Last week we posted the new character posters from The Grand Budapest Hotel, which was complimented by personalized Spotify playlists. These posters and playlists celebrated the quirky achievement for Wes Anderson‘s newest film. Now three more posters and spotify playlists have popped up online, and they are equally as charming… Read More