“The Lego Movie” Releases Hilarious Blooper Reel Kevin C, February 13, 2014February 13, 2014 In what seems like a steady stream of cool viral marketing tidbits, we have another from Warner Brothers for The Lego Movie. This short video is a funny blooper reel of character interactions with a few recurring themes. Hit the jump to find out more and see the video.The video appears to include mostly Chris Pratt and Will Arnett in character as Batman and Emmet Brickowoski respectively. This includes from fun from Morgan Freeman, Alison Brie and others. Some of the footage also looks like alternate takes of scenes in the movie while another scene actually features cameramen floating around in the background. You’ll also see a running gag with Batman’s gun.Check out the bloopers here:The Lego Movie is currently in theatres and stars Will Arnett, Elizabeth Banks, Alison Brie, Will Ferrell, Chris Pratt, and more. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Alison BrieCharlie DayChris MillerChris Prattelizabeth banksLiam NeesonMorgan FreemanMovie ReviewPhil LordThe Lego MovieWarner BrothersWill ArnettWill Ferrell
“Prometheus” Mini-Game Reveals Ship Details April 17, 2012April 17, 2012The amount of Prometheus promotional material have revealed more clues about the movie and significantly hindered the mystery behind it. But our viral interest in the film has yet to pique and with a new mini-game called “Prometheus Mission Connect” and we get to see a detailed look at the… Read More
Tron Tuesday: The Vehicles of Tron November 23, 2010November 25, 2010Its Tron Tuesday again, which means Disney has released another TRON: Legacy-related promotion. We have seen posters, samples of the Tron: Legacy Score, and clips from the movie. This Tron Tuesday’s promotion comes in the form of a video featuring the vehicles of the Grid. Hit the jump to see… Read More
Surrogates Viral Review September 29, 2009May 12, 2011As we reported yesterday, Surrogates opened this weekend to poor results, despite my glowing review. One of the points I brought up was how Disney/Touchstone Pictures dropped the ball in terms of marketing. Obviously the awareness of the film was low, and there are many things that contributed to that…. Read More