“Under The Skin” Offers Free Stream Of Mica Levi’s Score Kevin C, March 26, 2014 Studio A24 today just released a full stream of Mica Levi‘s hypnotic movie score for Under The Skin. We’re mere days away from Jonathan Glazer‘s movie and getting all sorts of marketing content. Interactive web pages and interesting posts on Craigslist are helping to make Under The Skin‘s marketing one of the more unusual this year. Hit the jump to see more about this full album.The full album is free and accessible at pitchfork.com. The site is very nice, and features Scarlett Johansson‘s face in a video loop. Her head is washed out or in dense fog, as if her character Laura is on some kind of hunt. You almost feel as if she might turn and look at you, but she doesn’t. It’s a very graceful way to put a visual to the music you’re hearing.To control the stream and tracks, you simply click on the vanishing bar along the bottom. Both the top and bottom bars will auto-hide, and if you’re in full-screen, make for an interesting visual and auditory experience.Under The Skin stars Scarlett Johansson, Paul Brannigan, and Antonia Campbell-Hughes. The movie will be released April 4th, 2014. Viral Marketing A24Antonia Campbell-HughesPaul BranniganScarlett JohanssonUnder The Skin
ARGs & Campaigns “The Fault In Our Stars” Fanatics Can Be In A Music Video Or Become Fan Ambassador April 10, 2014Can we finally make “French the Llama!” happen? Because Nerdfighters, we have so much cause to celebrate! You’ve undoubtedly been following in anticipation all the news leading up to The Fault in Our Stars hitting theaters over on the Vlogbrothers channel–and hopefully our site too . You’ve demanded your stars… Read More
This Week In Viral: Terminator Viral Ends? May 25, 2009April 30, 2010Terminator Salvation opened this weekend, and thus another viral ends. Or does it? One of the challenges of covering viral campaigns is knowing when they really end. Read more… Read More
“The Dark Knight Rises” IMAX Prologue Reaction December 14, 2011December 19, 2011Through Operation Early Bird, fans were given a chance to see the opening sequence of Christopher Nolan’s final chapter in his Batman trilogy, The Dark Knight Rises. I was able to snag passes to the event and you will not believe how awesome the footage is, especially on an IMAX… Read More