25 New Images From “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” Viral Site Michael Lee, April 12, 2014 We recently posted a viral video promoting X-Men Days Of Future Past, which focused on the 25 moments in history changed by humans and mutants from 1968 – 2018. From moments like the Kennedy Assassination, and the Chernobyl diaster, to the Mad Cow Disease Breakout in 1996 and Guantanamo Bay, and future events that will have a huge impact on the chronology of the X-Men film franchise.X-Men Days Of Future Past will connect the different generations of X-Men film franchises into one cohesive universe. The mutants of X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and X-Men: The Last Stand working together with the mutants of X-Men: First Class to prevent a future without mutants. Without humans.A new viral site gives us more detail as to how these 25 events in history lead us to Days Of Future Past. Hit the jump to learn more, and see 25 exciting new images. Beware, there will be spoilers.25 Moments is the latest X-Men: Days Of Future Past viral website to be launched. We first learned about the film’s viral marketing last year during San Diego Comic-Con where Fox launched a new website dedicated to Bolivar Trask‘s research and development of the Mutant Cure and the Sentinel program.From there the JFK Assassination Conspiracy website, The Bent Bullet, was launched. The viral site attempted to prove that JFK was not assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswalt, but by Magneto who manipulated the bullet’s trajectory by bending it with his powers of magnetism.Now that we are nearing the film’s release, Fox has launched a new website, 25moments.com, that should round out the Days Of Future Past viral marketing campaign to a close. You’ve already seen the video, but the site offers detailed images of how humans and mutants changed world history from 1968 to 2018.For example, the viral site says that those missing 18 1/2 minutes from President Nixon’s Watergate Scandal are actually of Bolivar Trask and Richard Nixon speaking about the Sentinel program. Or in 1977 where we learn that QuickSilver has broken eight different track and field world records, which forces the Olympic Committee enact genetic testing to determine whether or not athletes exhibit the mutant gene. During the Chernobyl Disaster, we learn that towns near the surrounding area have experienced a spike in mutations, and we see a baby whose skin is covered in metal. One can only assume that this is Colossus. Then we see an image of soldier with yellow eyes during the Zapatista resistance in 1994. Again we can assume that his is Mystique.As we look towards more recent events, we learn that there have been even more mutant casualties. Just like we learned mutants from Magneto’s Brotherhood of Mutants in First Class died on the Bent Bullet site, it is revealed that mutants from the first three X-Men films have died as well. For instance Warren Worthington III a.k.a. Angel was killed during an Occupy Wall Street protest of the mutant cure in 2011. In 2015, Hank McCoy, now an ambassador to the U.N. working to improve human-mutant relations, was dragged from his home by an angry mob and murdered.Each image in the gallery will have a description (from the site) of how humans and/or mutants changed the historic event in question. X-Men Days Of Future Past opens in theaters on May 23rd, 2014. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News 20th Century Fox25 MomentsX-Men: Days of Future Past
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