New Mobile Game for “Guardians of the Galaxy” Released Christopher Moore, July 18, 2014July 18, 2014 On the heels of Marvel‘s upcoming film, Guardians of the Galaxy, a new mobile game app has been released. It’s an action role-playing game called Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon. Find out more about the game after the break.Developed by Disney Interactive, the game allows you to jump into the action with Star-Lord, Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Drax as they battle to recover the five pieces of the Universal Weapon before it falls into the hands of the villainous Ronan the Accuser.Here’s the official trailer for the game.In the game you can unlock, upgrade and control 25 characters from the Guardians of the Galaxy universe. You’re able to travel the galaxy and battle through more than 60 levels of real-time, gesture-based combat in Story Mode. You can progress through the story and defeat villains in Story Mode then you can switch up your GOTG team and recruit additional heroes and villains for survival in the Arena Mode. You can customize your team with the Guardians and their allies, recruit heroes, level up their skills and then outfit them for battle using unique item buffs and the mysterious Iso-8. You can unlock combo moves and unleash crushing attacks from powerful pairs like Rocket and Groot or Drax and Gamora. You can go head-t0-head with a roster of GOTG villains like Korath, Nebula and Ronan.Guardians of the Galaxy: The Universal Weapon is available now on several different mobile platforms for $4.99. It’s also available on Windows PC for $7.99.App Store – Play – Phone – Store – more info about the movie, you can check out the Guardians of the Galaxy Facebook Page.Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters on August 1st, 2014. Apps Disney InteractiveGuardians of the GalaxyiOSJames GunnMobile GameUniversal Weapon
Explore The Entire Fast & Furious Franchise Your Own Way Using The Timeline Tuner May 14, 2013April 15, 2015Although the Fast & Furious franchise is mostly known for its fast cars, exotic women, and massive explosions, it is also well known amongst fans for its strangely elaborate timeline. Continuity is something even the most well written film franchises have a difficult time with, but somehow the Fast &… Read More
Collect Your Friends With “The Collection” Facebook App November 23, 2012April 15, 2015The Collection is a sequel to the indie horror film The Collector that is opening next week nationwide. The Collector is a serial killer who sets gruesome boobytraps for his victims and collects body parts. The film’s Facebook page has an App called Collect Your Friends, where you can create… Read More
“Machete Kills” Your Favorite Memes With A Vengeance September 28, 2013April 15, 2015Machete don’t text, Machete don’t tweet, Machete don’t twerk, and now it appears he isn’t too fond of memes either. Quickly becoming an outlet for the rage we all hold within ourselves for all things that trend, Machete wants to help you kill those pesky memes that everyone seems to… Read More