Bad Robot Replies To Zach Snyder Tweet With Their Own DC Comics/Star Wars Mashup Christopher Moore, August 9, 2014September 14, 2014 Batman vs Superman director Zack Snyder has been tweeting some weird mashup pictures lately through his Twitter account. One had Superman‘s Henry Cavill photoshopped as a Jedi and another one recently had Batman walking next to R2-D2. The Batman one he tweeted to Bad Robot, so Bad Robot in response sent out this tweet of C3-PO as the Dark Knight. Check out the tweeted photo after the jump. THE C3PED CRUSADER @ZackSnyder— Bad Robot (@bad_robot) August 8, 2014Here’s Zach Snyder‘s earlier tweets which caused Bad Robot to respond:BATMAN & R2BIN @bad_robot — ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) August 2, 2014#SuperJedi— ZackSnyder (@ZackSnyder) July 24, 2014What do you think of this online back and forth between Zack Snyder and Bad Robot? Leave your comments in the section below. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Bad RobotBatmanBatman v. Superman: Dawn of JusticeC3-PODC ComicsDisneyStar WarsStar Wars: Episode VIIZack Snyder
YouTube Tuesday: BriTANicK April 24, 2012April 24, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Viral Video: A Brief History of Conspicuous Product Placement in Movies January 12, 2011Product placement has been a staple of American filmmaking since the motion camera was invented. Sometime it’s done with subtlety, while other times it’s blatant (which comical, whether intended or not). Oliver Noble over at Film Drunk gives us a history lesson on product placement in movies, specifically the more… Read More
Social Media Accounts for April 2012 Films March 30, 2012May 4, 2012Welcome to our only monthly feature here on MovieViral. A day or two ahead of time, we’ll list the various social media accounts (specifically Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for now) for all the major theatrical releases each month. We hope that this allows you to follow your favorite films more… Read More