Watch Henry Cavill Take The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge While Wearing The Superman Suit Michael Lee, August 26, 2014August 26, 2014 Videos of celebrities doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge are a dime a dozen, some of them are doing it while on the set of films currently in production. But few actually do it in character, or at least wearing their costumes. Captain America: The Winter Soldier‘s Sebastian Stan and Anthony Mackie almost did it until they made a surprise reveal. With the Ice Bucket Challenge showing no signs of slowing down, it was only a matter of time until we got to see someone do it in costume.Zack Snyder is currently filming Superman V Batman: Dawn Of Justice, and film stars Henry Cavill and Amy Adams took some time off during the production to take the Ice Bucket Challenge in full costume. And I don’t mean Cavill sporting a Clark Kent journalistic coats, I mean Cavill as Superman in full Superman gear. Hit the jump to check it out.Well one ice bucket wasn’t enough for the Man of Steel, so he needed another, then another, then another. You get the picture.Written by Chris Terrio, from a screenplay by David S. Goye, and directed by Zack Snyder, Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice also stars Ben Affleck, Gal Gadot, Jesse Eisenberg, Jeremy Irons, Holly Hunter, Callan Mulvey, Tao Okamoto, Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane. The film opens in theaters on March 25, 2016. Viral News Viral Videos ALS Ice Bucket ChallengeAmy AdamsBatman v. Superman: Dawn of JusticeHenry Cavill
“Total Recall” Viral Posters Seen On The Streets Of Hollywood June 10, 2012July 8, 2012There is no doubt that we will possess the technology to make your fantasies into reality, but for know, we must live that thought vicariously through the characters in Len Wiseman’s upcoming film, Total Recall. Now Sony has added a viral element to the film in hopes that it can… Read More
Tony Stark’s Mansion Would List For Over $100 Million May 2, 2013On Monday, we told you how much Yoda’s hut would be worth in real life, but why stop there? With Iron Man 3 opening in US theaters tomorrow, the guys at Movoto have figured out how much Tony Stark’s mansion is worth, and it’s just as expensive as you’d expect…. Read More
“The Purge: Anarchy” Featurette: Frank Grillo Talks Surviving A 12 Hour Crime Spree July 1, 2014July 1, 2014We should all be excited about The Purge: Anarchy for a variety of reasons. One its a sequel to the low budget horror film that grossed $89 million on a $3 million budget. The other, is the fact that there is a nationwide Purge Breakout Fan Experience being carried out…. Read More