“The Force Awakens” In ‘Star Wars Episode VII’ Caleb Hamilton, November 6, 2014November 6, 2014 Briefly: When Star Wars Episode VII was announced, fans of the legendary saga wondered what the film’s subtitle would be. Being the secretive filmmaker that he is, J.J. Abrams went through 8 months of principal photography without revealing anything about the movie, not even a title. Sure Abrams did the Force for Change teasers, showing off the set. There was even the little competition between Star Wars and Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice. Now that principal photography has officially ended, the official Star Wars Twitter posted an announcement of the end of filming along with a brand new title treatment. Star Wars: Episode VII is officially titled: Star Wars: The Force Awakens. It is unclear whether this new trilogy will completely abandon the numerical ‘Episode’ titles, hopefully not. However, it also makes sense that they would abandon that style as the original trilogy and prequels were an epic. This new trilogy, while it does continue the story, exists outside of that original saga.Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens in theaters on December 18th, 2015! Social Networks Viral Marketing DisneyJJ AbramsLucasfilmStar Wars
Super 8: More Theories From The Trailer March 16, 2011Since we’ve seen the first feature length trailer for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 (which is now available in HD on Apple.com), the internetz have been hard at work dissecting it for any clues. We’ve shown you a few things we noticed, but now there are more theories regarding what we… Read More
AMC Offers DISH Customers Live Stream of “The Walking Dead” Season 3 Premiere September 30, 2012October 1, 2012The heated battle between AMC Networks and Dish Network has brought out the creative juices in AMC, and now they are going one step further to lure fans of the channel to leave DISH. The Walking Dead season 3 premiere is on October 14th, and DISH customers can watch the… Read More
The 1701 Have Been Chosen in “Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral; New Trailer Debuting Tomorrow May 1, 2013May 1, 2013Last week, we reported that the long-dormant Star Trek Into Darkness viral site AreYouThe1701.com went live with a social media contest using Instagram and Vine. Paramount gave fans a week to enter the contest, where they had to take a picture or video inspired by Star Trek or “the future.”… Read More