Cloverfield 2: What We Know & Viral Marketing Campaign (Slusho!) Nick Butler, January 8, 2024September 23, 2024 Paramount has has confirmed that the fourth installment in the Cloverfield film franchise will be a direct sequel to the 2008 found-footage film.The origin story of this website is deeply rooted in the 2008 cult classic found-footage monster movie Cloverfield. One year after the movie’s release on 1-18-08, this website was created by members of the forum to cover viral marketing campaigns for films and beyond. Though the heyday of film-related viral marketing campaigns may appear to be in the rearview mirror, the proper sequel to Cloverfield has the possibility to reignite movie studio’s appetite for quality, in-depth viral marketing campaigns which expand the narrative and story of the film they’re promoting.If you’re interested in following Cloverfield’s viral marketing campaign on a nostalgic platform, be sure to sign-up for the ARG and Unfiction Forums! What We KnowIn true Cloverfield fashion, we don’t know much aside from a few tidbits that are scattered across interviews with past Cloverfield directors.Speaking with in January 2023 to celebrate the 15-year anniversary of Cloverfield, director Matt Reeves revealed he may be open to returning to the franchise:I’m super excited about us doing more, and I can’t give you information about that of course because that’s the way Cloverfield works. To be honest with you, you never know what you’re going to do […] Cloverfield is very much about my anxieties. That was the process that drew me in, that’s what taught me how to shoot it, how to talk to the actors about what it was, because it was like trying to ground it from that perspective and make something crazy, fantastical, and genre, also feel real…I think if another story were to present itself where I was like, ‘Gosh I have to tell that story.’ It’s not impossible. I wouldn’t say that’s a for sure thing, but I would never say never.Speaking with CinemaBlend in October 2023, 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg spoke about the in-the-works Cloverfield sequel saying, “the [planned] sequel is to the original Cloverfield. I would still totally be open to [a sequel to 10 Cloverfield Lane],” going on to say “the sequel they’re making is very cool.”Viral Marketing Campaign, Coming Soon?While we don’t know much about the extent of a possible viral marketing campaign for Cloverfield 2, it does appear to be under way. In May 2023, excited fans of the original viral marketing campaign first noticed the in-world Slusho website returned.Since that trailhead, there has not been any update – or, I should say, any update that has been spotted by fans. For now, we’ll keep an eye out, and be sure to update you once there’s more to report.If you’re interested in following the viral marketing campaign for Cloverfield 2, be sure to sign up on the ARG & Unfiction Forum! ARGs & Campaigns Cloverfield News Viral Marketing CloverfieldCloverfield 2Cloverfield 4Cloverfield SequelSlusho
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