Picture Yourself In Monster Form With The “Monsters University” Create-A-Monster App David Weaver, June 7, 2013April 15, 2015 Do you want to be admitted into the fabled Monsters University but can’t because you’re a human? Well don’t fret, because now you can transform into monster form using the Create-a-Monster app! Before you start heading over to admissions however, you will want to find out more about this revolutionary procedure. Details after the break.Big or small, tall or short, bald or full head of hair, with this large assortment of monsters, colors, fur types and accessories to choose from, there is now way you won’t find a combination that will suit you best for your time on campus. Picking the initial form is key, you don’t want to get hung up on details until later, so start out simple with a general form and then pick a color that helps define your own unique monsterality.Next up is the accessories; now is the time to get those little details out of the way. Eye lashes, glasses, haircuts, its up to you to finalize your creation that way even in monster form, your friends will still recognize you. Finally it is time for your monster name and to share your monster self to the world. Now you are ready to begin your academic career as a brand new monster!You can begin creating your alternate monsterality using the Create-a-Monster app.Monsters University gets unleashed into theaters on June 21, 2013. Apps Viral Marketing Monsters University
The Crazies: A Viral Update November 29, 2009November 29, 2009Wow. It was just the other day I was writing about how there was nothing happening on the viral site for The Crazies remake. Well, things change. Not only did we get a list of representatives for the community of Ogden Marsh, IA and a sweet deal on a car… Read More
Viral Video: Heidi Montag’s Transformers 3 Audition Tape May 27, 2010A week ago we showed you Chris Klein’s bizarre singing audition for Mamma Mia. May seems to be the month of leaked try-outs, as reality star Heidi Montag took it upon herself to film a short Transformers 3 audition video for director Michael Bay. Check it out after the break. Read More
See Inside Peoples’ Nightmares With “Twixt” Website July 22, 2013Francis Ford Coppola’s experimental film Twixt is out on Blu-ray and DVD tomorrow, and now you can get rare access inside real peoples’ nightmares and explore a chilling gallery of posts to Twitter, Tumblr and Instagram tagged with “#nightmare”. Visit www.twixtnightmares.com to experience the horrifying, and downright “twixted”, nightmare. Read More