A New Hero Is Born. You! Iain Welford, February 11, 2010June 6, 2010 Check out the trailer below, notice anyone familiar? Pretty cool, huh? This viral campaign was created by the Swedish broadcasting company Radiotjanst to bring peoples attention to broadcast fees and thank them for paying it. It’s a nice touch and one of the most professional viral video’s I have ever…
Caprica: Do Androids Dream Of Electric Tweets? Iain Welford, February 4, 2010 If, like me, you are a fan of Battlestar Galactica, you will have no doubt tuned in to watch the latest SyFy Spin Off show Caprica. Caprica takes place before the events of Battlestar Galactica and details the creation of the Cylons by Dr Graystone, played by actor Eric Stolz….
New Tron Legacy Picture And Posters Iain Welford, February 4, 2010February 4, 2010 Everybody’s 2nd favourite movie site (after us), IMDB has unveiled a new picture and 2 new posters for the Disney blockbuster sequel Tron Legacy. Due for release on December 17th, not much is known about the sequel other than Kevin Flynn’s son is looking for his “lost” father, played by…
Hell Is Nigh For Dante’s Inferno Iain Welford, February 3, 2010 Whoa, this is pretty cool! Thanks to our friends at ScreenRant we’ve found a Viral Website for the new EA game Dante’s Inferno. EA has managed to collaborate with 6 websites to weave a picture into their HTML code. It’s pretty clever and of course it doesn’t hurt the 6…