12 Days of Viral – DAY EIGHT Scott Caldwell, December 20, 2009December 20, 2009 On the eighth day of viral, my movie gave to me….. Contests and winnings Not too many virals are going this route, but when they do, the response is overwhelming. 2012 in fact had a couple of contests rolled into one campaign. First they had the ambassadors program. A simple…
Paranormal Activity Contest: Win a Personal Screening and a Home Entertainment System Dan Koelsch, December 14, 2009December 15, 2009 Amazon is teaming up with Paramount Home Entertainment to bring you a pretty nifty contest for Paranormal Activity, and all you have to do is sign up by December 18th. Since the film had a slow release based on word of mouth, I’m sure the marketing team has plenty of…
12 Days of Viral – DAY TWO Scott Caldwell, December 14, 2009December 13, 2009 On the second day of viral, my movie gave to me….. A Twitter account with the truth. The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Well, maybe a little more. At least this seems to be the way to go with newer Twitter accounts. You can go back…
Get Your Name Featured on the Paranormal Activity DVD Dan Koelsch, November 5, 2009November 5, 2009 As we reported before, the viral buzz of Paranormal Activity deserves credit for most of the film’s success. Paramount Pictures obviously realizes this, so they have found a simple yet effective way to thank the fans. By entering your name and some information, you can have your name in the…
Paranormal Activity: Viral Marketing At Its Best Nick Butler, October 27, 2009January 8, 2010 The success of Paranormal Activity will be studied extensively by Hollywood, that’s for sure. Made for a mere $15,000, Paranormal Activity has grossed nearly $64 million since its nation-wide release. How? A strange thing called . . . The Internets! While MovieViral normally focuses on the “in-game” side of viral…