Discover Your Kryptonian Indentity And Ancestral House With The “Man of Steel” Glyph Creator David Weaver, May 23, 2013 Kal-el wasn’t born on Earth. He came from the distant alien world of Krypton. When a child of Krypton is born, they are tied directly to the legacy of their Ancestral House. That legacy is defined by certain traits and characteristics instilled into each child. Now you too can discover your Kryptonian birthright with a new Man of Steel app! Get the details after the break. Being a child of Krypton doesn’t sound easy, but at least discovering your house and Kryptonian namesake is made easier by the new Glyph Creator. After answering a series of questions you will be assigned a house which comes with it’s own Glyph. That Glyph can then be applied to any of your many social apps to display your Kryptonian heritage with great pride as you await the forthcoming battle between Kal-el and General Zod, which is less than a month away.Man of Steel opens theatrically June 14, 2013. Apps ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing AppMan of Steel
ARGs & Campaigns The Men In The Black Suits Are Real: Possible “Men In Black 3” Viral Campaign November 26, 2011April 1, 2012Earlier today, a teaser poster for Men In Black 3 was discovered by and it looks to contain the beginning of a Men in Black 3 viral campaign. Embedded in the poster was a link to a Facebook page run by a teenager (BugEyes126) who is convinced that “the… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Breaking Bad, Drive, Community, Middle Fingers, And More! February 5, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Cloverfield This Week In Viral – Cloverfield 2? March 1, 2009February 2, 2025That’s right, JJ Abrams spoke at WonderCon about the possibility of Cloverfield 2. Here is the video: Not much more than what he and Director Matt Reeves have said in the past, though it seems like they finally have a good idea for the sequel/spin off. Viral news on Angels… Read More