Michael Moore Gets Clever In Theaters Dan Koelsch, June 13, 2009June 15, 2009 Michael Moore, known best for harassing alzheimer sufferers (Charleston Heston) and being portrayed as a terrorist (by Team America and Bill O’Reilly), is working on an as-yet-titled film that covers the bank bailout. Sounds promising given his past work, despite his annoying voice. Why is this news-worthy? Well, Friday night, the first official trailer was to premiere, but instead the following clip was shown:By itself, it’s not that big of a deal. A little clever teaser that uses the same joke that’s been told on comedy shows and internet parodies. However, in select theaters in Washington DC, New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago got an extra surprise. Here is Slashfilm contributor Brendon Connelly’s account of what took place while the teaser played on screen:During this, ushers really did walk out amongst the patrons with buckets in hand and wearing T-shirts with the slogan ‘Save our CEOs’. I don’t know if anybody dropped any cash in, or for that matter what Moore’s team would have done with any donated funds. Perhaps he’ll actually try and pass it on to the ailing institutions and film the ensuing events for the film? Sounds like a possible Moore move.The audience members were filmed, so it is likely they will be featured in a future trailer with the above clip. See, everyone? Viral marketing doesn’t just have to be websites and billboards. A lot of people give Moore a hard time (especially conservatives and republicans), but you have to admit this is pretty clever. Moore knows how to make a point.The film is set to release on October 2nd. Thanks to Slashfilm for the heads up. Viral Marketing Michael Moore
The Attraction of a Good Viral Campaign January 24, 2010January 24, 2010The allure of viral marketing, its enough to make people walk miles to find a fake arcade, or dress up like a clown in public. But what is it exactly that draws us to follow something that in the long run is nothing more than a farce? Read More
Universal Buys “Grim Night” After Trailer Goes Viral October 27, 2011October 27, 2011You know your work never goes unnoticed when you have studios vying for your indie work. That’s what happen when Universal won the rights to Brandon Bestenheider and Allen Bey’s Grim Night. Basically the films is about two people who lock themselves in their homes in an effort to hide… Read More
Prove You Are The Ultimate Fast Fan To Win A Walk On Role For “Fast & Furious 7” November 12, 2013Even though the sixth chapter in the Fast & Furious saga concluded only 6 months ago, the seventh chapter is kicking into high gear and now you have a chance to be a part of the crew. It takes more than just being a fan of the franchise though, you… Read More