2012: You have One New Message Scott Caldwell, September 15, 2009 And it’s not a pleasant one.There is a new audio clip from Soren Ulfert’s voice mail, and its the same upset gentleman from the first one that we wrote about. Now, he’s had it. Take a listen (via ThisIsTheEnd) Now I’ve mentioned that I feel that Adrian Helmsley is behind the newest viral site and I believe that Satnam Tsurutani is the call that had a very scattered feel to it. So why be told to stay away from these two? Why the threats? Are they on to something together or individually that can put a damper on the Government’s plan for 2012 “survival”? And what is “Project Noxall”? If it’s anything like the name states, Noxall is chemical that eradicates weeds. ALL OF THEM. That doesn’t sound good at all. Tell us what you think and find out about “Project Noxall” when 2012 hits theaters on November 13th. Viral Marketing 2012
The Expendables Demand That You Don’t Press the Button August 11, 2012The cast of Expendables 2 really don’t want you to press that button. Lionsgate has created the DontPressTheButton.com, where stars Terry Crews and Dolph Lundgren yell at you to not press the red button in the middle of the screen. When you do press it, you get some short clips… Read More
$300 YouTube Video Lands Filmmaker a $30 Million Movie Deal December 19, 2009December 19, 2009How’s this for the power of the Internet? Federico Alvarez, a Uraguayan filmmaker, posted a video on YouTube in early November titled “Ataque de Panico” (Panic Attack), and within days received a slue of offers from Hollywood studios to make a feature length film. He eventually settled with Ghost House… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns Let Me In Wraps Up Viral Campaign With Behind the Scenes Footage and a Blast From The Past September 11, 2010September 11, 2010We have one more viral reveal for Overture’s Let Me In, and fortunately it’s not as difficult to get to. If you type in one of the posters’ taglines, “Innocence Dies, Abby Doesn’t”, as a URL, you get a behind-the-scenes clip hosted on the site’s Facebook app. MovieViral has also… Read More