New “The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Site Report Focuses On B.J. Novak’s Alistair Smythe Michael Lee, February 11, 2014February 11, 2014 Last week The Amazing Spider-Man 2 director Marc Webb revealed that B.J. Novak would be playing none other than Alistar Smythe. A villain who has pestered Spider-Man from time to time in the comics, but this isn’t the first time the character as appeared in the viral campaign. Now a new post on The Amazing Spider-Man 2‘s viral marketing site, The Daily Bugle, has posted a new story that ties to Alistar, and his father, Spencer. Hit the jump to read the full report.Here is the full report from The Daily Bugle tumblr site:By Ken EllisWithin a week of the announcement that the NYPD and the District Attorney’s Office had opened an investigation into illegal activities and questionable medical practices at Manhattan’s Oscorp Industries, sources indicate several of their top scientists have been asked to leave.Reports cite the recent forced resignation of Dr. Spencer Smythe, the Director of Robotics, amongst others. He was seen leaving Oscorp Tower yesterday with a box of his personal belongings.When asked to comment on the current employment situation of Dr. Smythe, Oscorp spokesman Donald Menken had no comment. Later in the day, Oscorp sent out a press release congratulating Alistair Smythe on his promotion to the Director of Robotics formerly held by his father. How Mrs. Smythe expects this will impact holiday dinners remains unknown.A previous report hinted at some of the questionable practices that OsCorp have been conducting, and the recent resignation of Spencer Smythe seems to confirm that OsCorp isn’t the shiny industrial conglomerate it is made out to be.For those who are unfamiliar with the character, the Smythes are the one who created the Spider-Slayers, first it was Spencer, then Alistar followed in his footsteps with a more advanced and deadlier version. While we may now that B.J. Novak has a role in the film, it is uncertain if Spencer has a role. The faux news reports that have been posted in the past have merely hinted at some of the comic books villains that Spider-Man has faced in the past, but none of them have confirmed if any of them will actually appear in the sequel. In fact this is one of the few times that a major character other than Spider-Man has been mentioned in these articles.Opening in theaters on May 2, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 also stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Paul Giamatti, and Sally Field. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News Marc WebbSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-Man 2The Daily Bugle
James Bond Teams Up With Operation Gratitude for “Skyfall” Home Release February 4, 2013The latest James Bond film, Skyfall, has its Blu-Ray and DVD release on February 12th, and commemorate the occasion, MGM and Fox have partnered with Operation Gratitude to bring the the film and care packages to our military troops. If you can’t make the Feburary 12th event in Van Nuys,… Read More
LOST: Fan Made Finale Trailer, Cool Shirts and Posters, Lost Live, and More LOL Captions May 15, 2010May 15, 2010Everyone is excited for the series finale of ABC’s LOST, which is now just over a week away (the finale is airing on Sunday May 23rd to accommodate its extension to 2 1/2 hours). With that, we a great fan-made series finale trailer recommended by LOST showrunner Damon Lindelof himself,… Read More
ARGs & Campaigns “Apollo 18″ Steps Up Viral With Top Secret Document and New Website December 15, 2010April 27, 2011Last month we told you about Dimension Films’ found-footage thriller Apollo 18, whose plot revolves around the idea that there is a (sinister) reason that we never went back to the moon (at least publicly) after the Apollo 17 mission. There was a strange viral video that accompanied the debut… Read More