Watch The Twilight Saga: Eclipse Full Trailer Dan Koelsch, March 11, 2010 You’ve waited for it, and here it is. The first trailer for The Twilight Saga: Eclipse has finally premiered online at Yahoo. Yesterday’s 10 second preview of the teaser already has almost 3 million views on YouTube, so I expect the full thing to be even more popular. You can check out the full trailer after the jump. So, what do you think of the trailer? Are you impressed or does it fall flat? The trailer for New Moon impressed me, but the movie itself let me down, and I fear the same this time around. Eclipse opens June 30, 2010. Viral Marketing EclipseKristen StewartNew MoonTwilight
Holy Websites, Batman! – A Viral In The Making? July 13, 2010July 13, 2010Remember the “Experience” from Sony? The one that handed us the viral sites, as opposed to letting us find them? You know, the ones from District 9 and 2012? Well apparently there is a viral campaign in the making that has been found, way before it started. What it’s for… Read More
The “Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Continues With Wrestling Poster and Website May 7, 2012Earlier today, we told you about the updates to The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign involving the Parker’s POV website. However, there is even more viral news today, this time coming from the Webbed Menace website. Get the details after the break. Read More
“The Hunger Games: Catching Fire” Victory Tour Posters May Lead To Viral Campaign February 26, 2013Though these poster have been out for quite some time, it is important to acknowledge the viral potential it has. The new victory posters for Lionsgate’s The Hunger Games: Catching Fire are out, and if you are familiar with the novel, then you will recognize immediately that the Victory Tour… Read More