Restoring Truthiness Rally Moves Forward with “Operation Strike of Truthiness” Nick Butler, September 7, 2010September 7, 2010 A few days ago we told you about a growing movement to get Stephen Colbert, host of the Emmy-award winning show “The Colbert Report,” to hold a “Restoring Truthiness” rally in Washington, D.C. Today, Supporters of that movement staged Operation Strike of Truthiness, an ingenious plan to get the terms restoring truthiness on both Google Trends and Twitter trending topics. If the image above doesn’t give it away, see if the operation was a success after the jump. Mission accomplished.As you can see Operation Strike of Truthiness was a success, and even if it wasn’t, our guts would’ve told us otherwise. Not only was it the #1 Google trend, but it was also #1 trending topic on Twitter, the #1 searched term on Yahoo, and the #1 searched term on Bing – and that’s the truthiness.The Colbert Nation now eagerly awaits tonights episode of “The Colbert Report” to see if Stephen answers their calls for truthiness. If he does, we’ll be the first to let you know.Remember, go to to get the latest on this movement and join the 100,000 Strong to Restore Truthiness Facebook group. News Social Networks Viral News colbertColbert Rallygoogle trendsOperation Strike of TruthinessRestoring TruthinessStephen ColbertTwitter
Mike Relm Is Back Again With a Tron Legacy Remix August 2, 2010August 2, 2010Mike Relm has made a name for himself when it comes to remixing trailers for popular movies. We’ve featured a few of his works on this site, and Paramount even tapped him to do a TV spot for Iron Man 2 after director Jon Favreau saw his IM2 remix. Now… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Ziccup September 25, 2012September 25, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Social Network News: ‘Dylan Dog’ and ‘Warrior’ March 19, 2011March 20, 2011We have two brief updates on films in respect to social networks. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night now has a Facebook page and YouTube page. Also, Lionsgate debuted two posters for Warrior on Facebook. Read More