Michael J. Fox Re-Shoots Back to the Future Teaser Dan Koelsch, October 13, 2010 This year marks the 25th anniversary of Back to the Future, a new classic that still lives on to this day. We’ve seen a few things to honor the occasion (including a Blu-Ray release of the Trilogy). Now the cast looks to be having a reunion at the Spike 2010 Scream Awards. To promote the reunion, Michael J. Fox once again became Marty McFly to reenact the original teaser for the first film. Watch both the new and original versions after the break. New Version: Original (from 1985): Watch the cast get back together on October 19th, when the Scream Awards air on Spike at 9/8c. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Back to the futureScream AwardsSpikeViral video
“Robocop” Remake Goes Viral With OmniCorp Website July 7, 2012We’ve seen almost nothing from the 2013 Robocop remake that stars Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson, and Joel Kinnaman as the title character. Fortunately, MGM is changing that with a new viral website for OmniCorp, the company featured in the original series and now the reboot. Hit the jump for… Read More
Paramount Runs Pair Of ‘Interstellar’ Contests That Will Take Winners To The Edge Of Space October 31, 2014October 31, 2014Interstellar is an unforgettably spectacular visually immersive film going experience unlike any other. Christopher Nolan’s space epic uses elements from other sci-fi space films and mixes them in with his signature style. Now to help promote the film, Paramount revealed they will unveil a space exhibit at the National Air… Read More
“Godzilla” Viral Website Launched As New Trailer Approaches December 9, 2013Yesterday, the Facebook page for Warner Bros. and Legendary’s Godzilla posted a link to a Chinese article about the “world’s largest sinkhole” and how it relates to Godzilla. The link has the caption “Who are M.U.T.O.?”. The article uncovers the viral website Mutoresearch.net, which looks to be some kind of… Read More