J.K. Rowling’s “Pottermore” Revealed! [Updated] Caleb Hamilton, June 22, 2011June 23, 2011 Late last week the internet was buzzing about a new Harry Potter project that will be officially announced by J.K. Rowling tomorrow. Thanks to a leaked memo regarding the project, we have learned exactly what Pottermore is.The project appears to be an online game in which players will follow clues to find prizes hidden in the real world! Not exactly what many Potter fans were hoping for, but hey, at least Harry Potter will continue for many years to come. The game will allow aspiring wizards all over the world to find an unknown number of hidden magic wands.This news comes from a leaked memo to the Times of London newspaper. It is not known if the memo was actually leaked, or if it’s a marketing ploy by the PR company behind the project. The same company created the game LittleBigMap to promote the release of LittleBigPlanet 2.Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling is expected to make an official announcement tomorrow, via YouTube, from the Victoria & Albert Museum in south-west London. In the past, Rowling has made Potter-related announcements through Harry Potter fan sites and it is believed that she has already given sneak peeks of the Pottermore project. Andrew Sims of Mugglenet said this of Pottermore:“[I] can tell you that it is fantastic. I’d say more but I had to make an unbreakable vow concerning its secrecy.”Do you think that Pottermore is actually an online treasure hunt game? Were you expecting another book? Let us know in the comments![Source: The Guardian]Update:Apparently the LA Times was contacted by a J.K. Rowling spokeswoman who informed them that the document is both outdated and inaccurate.The spokeswoman said:The British press have been very imaginative in their interpretation of the document, but I can categorically say the project is not a Treasure Hunt or a game.So, I guess we’re back to square one. J.K. Rowling is set to announce what Pottermore is later today. Update #2Watch the announcement here! Viral Marketing Harry PotterJ.K. Rowlingonline gamePottermore
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I thought it was an another book by Rowling, an epilogue Harry Potter if not a new series altogether. Very Very sad. 🙁
a world wide hunt?? This is not fun… not enough gold, not an owner of a broomstick, floo powder is too messy, and never learned to aparate… guess I’m going to have to go down to the Ministry and get the permits to fly my hipogriff from place to place… oorrr learn that smoky flying spell Voldemort used…
same here i really was hopeing it was another book 🙁 ……but i gess we wont no for shore till tomorow!!!! cant wait
this is stupid. if it IS this, there will be so much disappointment. the world will go crazy and the actual percentage of true harry potter fans that will actually be able to find these wands will be dismal. actually made me legitmately depressed reading this.
well J.K. Rowling is a smart woman…i trust that whatever it is.. if this is true or not it will be fun
This was a fake leak, y’all. It was on the LA Times, too. Check it: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/06/pottermore-information-leaked-day-ahead-of-official-announcement.html
ok everyone needs to calm their pants!!!!! we dont even know if this is true…tomorow when SHE announces it you canbe mad but dont get all worked up wit sometimeg that may not be true
I really wanted it to be a prequel, going into the first war and the first order. This game thing is the dumbest thing in the world.