Viral Video Round Up: X-Men, The Negotiator, They Live, David Fincher, The Office, and More! Dan Koelsch, June 22, 2011 The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” works really well for X-Men. College Humor does a funny parody of The Negotiator, with Rob Corddry guest starring. /Film found this montage of all of Chewbacca’s scenes from the original Star Wars Trilogy. Earlier this month, the Alamo Drafthouse held a special screening of They Live, and director John Carpenter gave an introduction. Haters love the video of Justin Bieber getting killed in an episode of CSI, so here’s a version that replaces some of the faces with rage faces. If you want to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, but are afraid that you’ll be lost, this trailer should help. Or not. CLICK HERE TO READ VIRAL VIDEO ROUND UP PAGE 2! >>>Pages: 1 2 Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos CSIHarry PotterHarry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2Justin BieberStar WarsSuper 8The Hunger GamesThe NegotiatorThe OfficeThey LiveTron LegacyViral videoViral Video Round UpX-MenX-Men: First Class
Fan Video: “Scott Pilgrim Vs. 60 Seconds” January 23, 2011January 23, 2011There is no denying it, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World has gone down as one of the most under appreciated films of 2010. But that is not stopping its fan base or me from making it a cult favorite. Edgar Wright knows when his work is appreciated, and an in… Read More
Viral Video: How To Sneak Into Comic-Con July 28, 2010July 28, 2010One of the things that surprised me upon my first trip to Comic-Con was the lax security. Sure, they are pretty good about making sure you don’t go anywhere you’re not supposed to, but you can bring almost ANYTHING onto the convention floor or into panels. The question is, if… Read More
Piranha 3D Footage Needs To Be Taken Down July 31, 2010September 3, 2010You would think that a title like that would proclaim my love for new footage and excitement, and how bootlegged footage like the one from Thor, or the phony tracks from Tron: Legacy should have no place in this world. One can also look at that statement to remove the… Read More