Fake “The Dark Knight Rises” Teaser Fools the Internet Dan Koelsch, June 17, 2011June 17, 2011 The buzz around the blogosphere today has been a leaked teaser trailer for next year’s Batman film The Dark Knight Rises. However, /Film makes some good points about why it’s a fake. We will probably see a lot of fake things for the highly anticipated film (i.e. this), so we’ll…
Mysterious Harry Potter Website Teases J.K. Rowling’s Equally Mysterious Announcement Dan Koelsch, June 17, 2011 Briefly: J.K. Rowling, author of the Harry Potter novels, is expected to make a Potter-related announcement on June 23rd, and it has to do with Pottermore.com. The website just has a “coming soon” page, but it does link to a YouTube countdown to the announcement. There’s also a Twitter account,…
Super 8 Viral Recap and Review Dan Koelsch, June 16, 2011June 16, 2011 The Super 8 viral campaign and ARG has come to an end as the movie enters its second weekend in theaters, and now it is time to look back and try to make sense of it all. For many of our readers, you may know that the viral campaign for…
“The Muppets” Being Green Trailer Michael Lee, June 16, 2011June 16, 2011 No, the title isn’t the Muppets’ marketing green technology or sustainability, its another trailer parody of this summer’s blockbusters. This time a spoof of the upcoming Green Lantern trailer. Disney did the exact same thing before The Hangover Part II made its theatrical debut back in May, with The Fuzzy…
Real Steel: WRB Trading Cards Given at E3 That Reveal New Viral Website Dan Koelsch, June 16, 2011August 1, 2011 While we don’t cover the E3 Expo, the Comic-Con of video gaming, sometimes things pop up that pertain to our world of movie viral marketing. Such is the case with Dreamwork’s Real Steel, which shouldn’t be a surprise since earlier this year the film made an appearance at another gaming…