Has “The Dark Knight Rises” Viral Campaign Begun? Dan Koelsch, December 7, 2011 Just a few hours after writing about how The Dark Knight Rises still had hope for a viral campaign, our wish may have come true. Two fake CIA documents have been sent out that that might be the start of the campaign. Get the details after the break. Empire and Wired each got separate CIA documents pertaining to a Dr. Leonid Pavel. Readers of ComingSoon.net made the connection that the man pictured in one of the documents is actually actor Alon Aboutboul, who has an unknown part in The Dark Knight Rises. While many blogs are running with the idea that these documents are related to TDKR, there is no real proof. The connection between the actor and the movie could be coincidental. Some are already speculating on what the documents are trying to say, but I don’t see anything discernible at the moment. Let us know in the comments below if you think this is indeed the beginning of the viral marketing for TDKR, as well as what clues you can pick out from the documents. If it’s not for TDKR, what could it be for? Hopefully not gum.Of course, if this turns out to be legit, we’ll be all over the campaign with detailed analysis, so stay tuned! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing The Dark Knight Rises
Mission Icefly Leads To Survival Code July 1, 2011Yesterday afternoon, Mission Icefly commenced. The activity was part of the Test Subjects Needed ARG from 42 Entertainment, and by all accounts is a marketing campaign for Wrigley’s new flavor of their 5 Gum brand. Those in denial or simply itching for a good ARG to follow participated in the… Read More
Sherlockology Counts Down To A Big, Dangerous, and Fun “Sherlock” Reveal Saturday August 1, 2013August 1, 2013The BBC’s hit series Sherlock returns for its third series this Fall in the U.K. (early 2014 here in the U.S.), and fans on both sides of the Pond have been clamoring for any bit of information following the climax of the second series finale which saw the “death” of… Read More
Update: District 9 Community Watch June 20, 2009June 20, 2009The page reads “Non Human Sightings in North America” and it consists of over 8 regions within which people are placing their calls claiming to have spotted Non-Humans. The website, like every other website developed for this viral, is very well designed. Check it out here. Personally, I love all the… Read More