VVRU: Super Bowl Edition Caleb Hamilton, February 6, 2012February 6, 2012 So yesterday was the Big Game. No matter if you love football or loathe it, the best part of every Super Bowl is the commercials. And every year, some of those commercials hit it out of the park and some just fizzle. Last night was no exception. We’ve put together a special Viral Video Round-Up showcasing some of the film and television spots from last night. Check them out after the break!First up is Metlife Insurance’s ad featuring many classic cartoon characters including Scooby-Doo and Mystery, Inc., JabberJaw, He-Man and of course, the Peanuts gang. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=j1RCplpVaQ0Seinfeld went off the air fourteen years ago, so it was nice to see Jerry reunited with one of the most iconic characters from the series, The Soup Nazi, in this spot featuring the Acura NSX. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YOL22euixuAAct of Valor stars a group of active duty Navy SEALs in an “…unprecedented blend of real-life heroism and original filmmaking.” It’s a very interesting concept and the teaser was quite powerful. We previously covered this spot, but here it is again. Matthew Broderick as himself, playing hookie from a shoot in this ad from Honda. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VrInJIqxUMAPROCEED TO PAGE 2 OF VVRU: SUPER BOWL EDITION!Pages: 1 2 3 Features Viral Marketing Viral Video Round Up Viral Videos Act of ValorAcuraAwakeBattleshipFerris Bueller's Day OffHondaMarvel StudiosMarvel's The AvengersMetlife InsuranceNBCSeinfeldsmashStar WarsSuper Bowl XLVIThe Celebrity ApprenticeThe LoraxUniversal StudiosVolkswagen
Marvel Launches Interactive Guide to the Universe of Thor April 15, 2011April 17, 2011Marvel’s Thor is just a few weeks from opening in theaters, and while many of us movie fans may be interested in seeing it, we may not all know much about the title character and his world. Marvel UK hopes to fix that with their “Interactive Guide to the Universe… Read More
Transformers 2: Receive a Call from Optimus Prime! October 5, 2009October 5, 2009With the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DVD and Blu-Ray being released on October 20th, Paramount is looking for inventive ways to promote the film. The marketing team behind the DVD release have established a new page on the official site titled www.transformersmovie.com/choose, where there are four different activities for… Read More
Let Me In Viral Updates: Riddles And Clues August 18, 2010August 24, 2010When the viral campaign for Let Me In started, it wasn’t as simplistic as most campaigns have been in the past. It wasn’t just a website plastered at the end of a trailer; it was more of a clue to follow and to get things started. That clue of course,… Read More