“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Campaign Slings Into WonderCon Dan Koelsch, March 18, 2012March 21, 2012 As was to be be expected, the viral campaign for Columbia Pictures’ The Amazing Spider-Man picked up some steam at WonderCon this weekend. In conjunction with Sony’s panel yesterday afternoon, there were a few updates to the campaign. Get the details after the break. Down the street from the Anaheim Convention Center (the temporary location for WonderCon this year), Daily Bugle vans were handing out Wanted posters for Spidey. Of course, the Daily Bugle is the fictional newspaper featured in the Spider-Man universe, and they often have a negative spin on the superhero. (Click images for full size)The posters have a link to a new viral website, WebbedMenace.com, which is dedicated to finding the vigilante Spider-Man and bringing him to justice. The site even has a video from The Daily Bugle that references the Mark of the Spider-Man tagging event by making it part of the story. Captain George Stacy (played by Dennis Leary) is interviewed about Spider-Man, and it’s clear he thinks of him as just a criminal.Stacy and the posters give out a hotline phone number you can call (877-651-8503) if you see Spider-Man or anything Spidey-related. You can also submit your photos of Spider-Man sightings to the website. The website has a Twitter account, so be sure to follow @WebbedMenace to get updates. You can follow @markofspiderman to get the opposing pro-Spider-Man side of things, but it looks like that part of the campaign is on hold for a while while the Webbed Menace component makes its own mark.Sony seems to love this whole “call in with your sightings” concept, as they are also currently using it for Men in Black III, as well as previously for District 9.Stay tuned to MovieViral as we continue to bring you updates on this viral campaign. We will also be creating a Hub for The Amazing Spider-Man and Prometheus, so check back for those within the next couple of days. The Amazing Spider-Man opens in 3D on July 3rd. ARGs & Campaigns Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing Viral Videos Mark of the Spider-ManThe Amazing Spider-ManWebbed MenaceWondercon
Inception: First Viral Site and Poster Revealed December 15, 2009June 12, 2010A LONG time ago, back in August, we wrote about Inception, Chrisopher Nolan’s next project after The Dark Knight. One visit to the website and it was obvious that Nolan and the producers had figured that Viral was again the way to go. For the longest time that spinning top… Read More
Viral Video: “Stand By Me” by The Muppets April 2, 2010While a new Muppet movie is in the works and other Muppet projects are trying to get off the ground, Muppets Studio has been busy churning out charming and hilarious viral videos over the past few months. However, the latest, featuring Big Mean Carl singing the classic song “Stand By… Read More
Viral Video of the Week: The Dark Knight Is Confused December 13, 2009December 13, 2009We’re going to start a new feature on MovieViral where we post the best TV or movie-related viral video of the week. Let us know what you think of the video in the comments below, and give us ideas for next week’s VVOTW. We’ll give you credit and post honorary… Read More
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