Comic-Con 2012: “The Dark Knight Rises” Bat Signal Search Twitter Contest Caleb Hamilton, July 13, 2012July 13, 2012 We are now officially one week away from the release of The Dark Knight Rises! Warner Bros. is out at the San Diego Comic-Con this week promoting the upcoming release, along with several other films. They’re giving fans a chance to win a special advance screening of The Dark Knight Rises through a scavenger hunt. More after the break!The Bat Signal Search sweepstakes is a contest where SDCC attendees following @BatSignalSearch get to participate in a scavenger hunt for Bat Signals projected on buildings around the San Diego Convention Center. Prizes ranged from limited edition TDKR Mondo posters to a hometown screening of the movie.Beginning at dusk last night, the Bat Signal Search twitter page sent out tweets with info on where the Bat Signals could be found. When attendees found the projected signal, they had to take a picture and tweet it to the Bat Signal Search page. The contest ran for 10 minutes, not very much time to locate the signal. 5 people will win the hometown screening and 50 will win the Mondo poster. Good luck to all of the entrants.The Dark Knight Rises in theaters and IMAX July 20th! And be sure to stick with MovieViral for all of the latest Comic-Con news! Comic-Con Contests Conventions Social Networks Viral Marketing Bat Signal SearchContestsThe Dark Knight RisesTwitterWarner Bros
Advertisers Lose Grip on Reality November 26, 2009November 26, 2009As technology moves forward, Internet gets faster and the public wants more, media companies are increasingly looking for new ways to advertise and make it more interactive. The latest form of advertising to fill these criteria takes shape in the form of augmented reality, and it seems more and more… Read More
Contests Which Smurf Do You Want On “America’s Got Talent”? Vote and Enter For A Chance To Win Great Prizes! July 21, 2011Over the past few weeks, fans of the Smurfs have been working to get their favorite characters on the popular NBC talent show America’s Got Talent. Well, now you can help too! After the jump, vote for which Smurf you’re looking forward to seeing on America’s Got Talent the most… Read More
“Robocop” Viral Website For Omnicorp Is Updated With An Entire Line-Up Of New Products July 19, 2013It’s been a while since we last saw any updates from the Omnicorp website (it’s been an entire year!?). But finally, the leader in bio-mechatronic engineering, and the company also responsible for creating Robocop, the half robot, half human law enforcement officer, has resurfaced with a bevy of new content…. Read More