New “Prometheus” Viral Video Give Us A Look At Janek Prepping For Duty Caleb Hamilton, September 9, 2012September 9, 2012 Prometheus had a very strange, but effective viral campaign leading up to its release. However, the marketing didn’t stop. If you sat through the credits, viewers spotted a message which lead to a new page on the Weyland Industries website. The film is scheduled to be released on home media on October 11th, 2012. So could this clip of Captain Janek be a sneak peek at one of the disc’s special features? Check it out after the break!There isn’t much footage of Janek in the clip, but what we do see is him getting suited up for his mission on the Prometheus. See what you can make of it.This clip doesn’t give us enough to go on. It looks like this was a costume screen test and it was slightly altered and turned into a character profile video. Perhaps we’ll see more of these in the special features?Prometheus will be available for download through Fox’s DigitalHD on September 18th. Also available on Blu-ray and DVD on October 11th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos 20th Century FoxPrometheusViral marketingViral video
The Office Fanisode Contest In Second Round, Check Out Some of the Submissions June 29, 2010Earlier this month, we told you about NBC’s contest where you can submit your own version of segments from The Office episode “Murder”. The second round has started, so there already some submissions available to view. Check out a few of them below and how they compare to the originals. Read More
Viral Video: Dancing at the Movies October 17, 2010Here’s a little lift to start your Sunday. A company called Media Solutions has put together a great music video for Kenny Loggins’ “Footloose” that showcases dancing throughout film history. With almost 3 million views and only 38 “thumbs down” on YouTube, you should definitely get a kick out of… Read More
How Much Is Yoda’s Hut Worth? April 29, 2013I’m sure only the nerdiest of nerds may have pondered this questions, but have you ever wondered what the listing price for Yoda’s hut (as seen in Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back) would be? Fortunately, the folks at Movoto are that nerdy and gave us a… Read More