Tweet to Unlock New “Les Misérables” Character Art Caleb Hamilton, October 10, 2012October 10, 2012 We’re about two months away from Tom Hooper’s adaptation of one of the most beloved musicals of all-time, Les Misérables. Today, you can help unlock a new piece of promotional artwork from the film by simply sending a tweet. Find out more after jump!By sending a tweet with hashtag #LesMis, or by liking or sharing Les Mis on Facebook, we get closer and closer to the magic number, 24601 (fans of the musical will recognize this as the number Jean Valjean was assigned when he was in prison). Once 24,601 people have tweeted, like and or shared, we’ll get to clearly see the art below.Just head over to the film’s official site and start tweeting!Les Misérables hits theaters Christmas Day! Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookLes MiserablesTwitterViral marketing
Inception: The anticipation of a viral August 25, 2009August 25, 2009Today felt like Christmas day for me. I watched the teaser trailer for Christopher Nolan’s latest, Inception, and couldn’t help but wonder what it held in store for us at So why am I excited about it? If you haven’t done so already, take a quick look at the… Read More
District 9 Fan Fiction From Our Own Forum Member December 3, 2009As some of our readers know, our forum has been a great outlet for our members to express themselves through fan fiction. One of our members, Kris, has taken that to the next level by actually using the MNU Spreads Lies Facebook page as an outlet for his role playing… Read More
Send DISH Network A Message in the “Hey DISH, Where’s My AMC?” Video Contest! August 6, 2012August 6, 2012Imagine sitting in your living room, watching a very exciting episode of AMC’s The Walking Dead and suddenly the screen goes blank. Shortly a message appears on the screen from DISH Network, “Sorry, we no longer offer this channel.” What would you do? Throw your recliner at the television? Perhaps… Read More