Watch A Message From the Dean of “Monsters University” Dan Koelsch, February 15, 2013 Disney Pixar’s marketing campaign for Monsters University, the prequel to the 2001 hit Monsters Inc., has centered on the idea of promoting the school where the film is set. MU is where monsters learn how to scare, and the in-world website for the college does a great job of making it feel real. There has even been perfect parody promotional video for the school, and now there is a new one that is a message from the Dean. Take a look after the break.Monsters Inc. opens in US theaters on June 21st. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Monsters UniversityViral video
Cedar Rapids: Deanzie’s Guide To ‘Business’ Conventions February 1, 2011Fox Searchlight’s comedy Cedar Rapids debuted to mostly positive reviews at the Sundance Film Festival last week. They started some viral goodies for us, and now they have expanded to include another website, this time focusing on John C. Reilly’s character Dean Ziegler. Read More
Tobias Funke Embraces The Internet For Self-Promotion In New “Arrested Development” Viral Site May 16, 2013May 16, 2013The countdown to the fourth season of Netflix’s Arrested Development is about to hit one week. And although the show’s legions of fans hardly need the reminder, Netflix continues its online marketing campaign that seems tailored made for them. The latest initiative is a new viral site that shows a… Read More
Viral Video: How ‘The Social Network’ Should Have Ended November 5, 2010The guys at How It Should Have Ended are at it again, giving us an animated take on how The Social Network should have gone. It’s actually pretty funny and is one of the few parodies to actually take on the film itself. Take a look after the break. Read More