Watch A Message From the Dean of “Monsters University” Dan Koelsch, February 15, 2013 Disney Pixar’s marketing campaign for Monsters University, the prequel to the 2001 hit Monsters Inc., has centered on the idea of promoting the school where the film is set. MU is where monsters learn how to scare, and the in-world website for the college does a great job of making it feel real. There has even been perfect parody promotional video for the school, and now there is a new one that is a message from the Dean. Take a look after the break.Monsters Inc. opens in US theaters on June 21st. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Monsters UniversityViral video
Shark Week Takes A Bite Out of YouTube July 31, 2011Briefly: Discovery Channel’s famous Shark Week starts tonight at 9PM, and they have created a YouTube splash page starring comedian Andy Samberg as Chief Shark Officer. After a shark breaks through the page and causes a mess, you can watch clips from this year’s shows with intros from Samberg himself…. Read More
“Wonder Twins” Movie Poster Mystery Solved January 17, 2014Back in November, a poster featuring artwork for a possible Wonder Twins movie showed up at Midtown Comics in New York City. At the time, we thought it was one of two things: a hoax or viral marketing for Entourage The Movie. Of course being a site that covers viral… Read More
Viral Video: “Premakes” The Avengers (1952) August 11, 2010A few months ago, we told you about a WhoIsEyevan, a YouTuber who makes a very special type of fake trailers. The user takes footage from 1950s B Movies and the like, then compiles them together with some editing magic to make a classic trailer for a modern movie. The… Read More