Video of Static Precedes “Man of Steel” Website [Updated] Dan Koelsch, April 12, 2013April 12, 2013 The Man of Steel Facebook fan page found something interesting on film’s homepage. When you enter the website, you are greeted with white noise, which turns out is a short video on a loop. We have the video after the break.Once you click on the static, you go straight to the regular website, and there doesn’t seem to be any clues as to the purpose of this intro. The video file is named “incoming”, so could it mean we are getting a new trailer soon? We’ll have to wait to find out, but let us know in the comments if you find anything.Man of Steel, which is the second origin film for Superman, opens June 14th.Update: 2PMThe video being used on the homepage has changed. While it’s still white noise, you can see that it’s a bit different. You can download the new video here. The original was using the file extension /transmission/x39ck/incoming.mp4, and the new one is /transmission/clkse89/incoming.mp4. It also appears that the audio we hear is on a separate file, which explains why our video above had no sound. Unfiction (via David Perkins) found other files, including the audio files transmission/feed.mp3 and transmission/feed/ogg, which seem to just be the same audio in two different formats. The video file transmission/clkse89/incoming.webm was also found, which again looks to be just the same video in a different format.When this first popped up, I assumed it might just be something to tease a new trailer. Now we know it’s more complicated. We’ll keep an eye out for more updates as the day progresses.Click here for more of our coverage on Man of Steel. Viral Marketing Man of Steel
Alice in Wonderland Sends Out Book and Key To Bloggers January 7, 2010November 16, 2010Our friends at Firstshowing got a nice little present in the mail yesterday in the form of an Alice in Wonderland book full of surprises. In fact, there were books inside books (like those Russian dolls), and a USB drive shaped like a 19th century key. Pretty impressive set up,… Read More
Mark of the Spider-Man Viral Updates February 14, 2012March 21, 2012If you’ve been following along, a twitter account for the new The Amazing Spider-Man viral campaign, Mark of the Spider-Man, was created and sent out coordinates for several U.S. cities late last week. Following the coordinates, players found Peter Parker’s backpack full of different items, including running shoes and the… Read More
Check Out Disneyland’s “Tron Legacy”-Themed World of Color October 31, 2010Disney is pulling out all the stops with Tron Legacy. Not only has California Adventure’s Hollywood Backlot has been transformed into a Tron party called “ElecTRONica“, but now the World of Color has been changed as well. Watch a video of the new water show after the break. Read More