“Man of Steel” Viral Message Decoded; Superman’s Shield Hidden in Static [Updated] Caleb Hamilton, April 13, 2013April 14, 2013 We’ve been tracking progress on the Man of Steel Deep Space Radio Wave Project viral site all day. People have been working non-stop to decode the latest transmission and the final piece of the code has been revealed. Find out what the message says and more after the jump!In order, the message is “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”. Sounds like the DSRW Project is picking up a signal from Krypton, or maybe Baby Kal-El’s ship playing a message from Jor-El.Another interesting development in this campaign is over on the official Man of Steel website, which is now just a bunch of static, seems to be slowly becoming something else. If you look closely, you’ll be able to make out Superman’s shield symbol.This would appear to confirm that the static is a countdown and the closer we get to end of it, the clearer the ‘S’ symbol becomes. The general consensus is that the third trailer will be revealed once the countdown ends on Monday. We will continue to keep you updated on all of this, and you can check out the rest of our coverage here.Man of Steel flies into theaters and IMAX June 14th.UPDATEIt looks like the image hidden the static is actually General Zod’s chest emblem, not Superman’s. Check out the image below that is reportedly Zod’s symbol and compare it with an image of the latest static video.This makes more sense, as I could see Zod sending a transmission before coming to Earth. What do you think? ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral News DSRW ProjectMan of Steel
Interview With Iron Sky Director Timo Vuorensola on Film’s Viral and the Star Wreck Series May 8, 2010October 18, 2011I, like many people I know who watch the History Channel, am a fan of World War II history. Did you know that SS Officer and civil engineer Hans Kammler made a breakthrough in anti-gravity that allowed the Nazis to escape to the moon in late 1945? Did you know… Read More
Steven Spielberg Hires Unofficial “The Adventures of Tintin” Opening Sequence Animator October 26, 2011October 26, 2011A opening title sequence says a lot about a film, besides telling you who directed, edited, stars in etc, the opening title sequences basically sets the tone for the film. From the lighting, camera panning, and music, you will understand the context of what you will see for the next… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Star Wars, Edward Scissorhands, The West Wing, And More! September 23, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More