Customize Your Desktop And Social Media Pages With The “Pacific Rim” Wallpaper Generator David Weaver, June 7, 2013 It seems only fitting that a mammoth-sized film like Pacific Rim, which is filled with titan-sized robots fighting titan-sized monsters, would allow you to make titan-sized wallpapers. With a host of customization options that allow you to tailor make and adjust the image of your choosing to your iphone, Facebook page, desktop or Twitter page specifications, you will have no problem creating a wallpaper image that is right for you.Begin creating your own wallpaper monstrosities and find some example wallpapers after the break.You can find the Pacific Rim Wallpaper Generator by clicking this link and get all the latest updates on this summer’s biggest release by following the official Pacific Rim Facebook page. Pacific Rim opens theatrically on July 12th, 2013 Apps Viral Marketing Pacific Rim
Unlock Exclusive Content for “Fast & Furious 6” By Photographing Cars From The Fast & Furious Franchise May 15, 2013April 15, 2015Do you like to take pictures? Do you like fast cars? Do You like the Fast & Furious franchise? Then you are in luck! Universal wants you take some real life photos of your favorite Fast & Furious cars and add them to their online CARSENAL to unlock cool exclusive… Read More
Prometheus: Weyland Industries Adds Investor Information Page March 22, 2012March 22, 2012After we got two new images for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, the Weyland Industries website has been updated to include a page on Investor Information, and it is quite extensive. There is only a small section on Project Prometheus, which you can check out after the jump. Read More
Piranha 3D Sequel To Let Fans Choose a Celebrity To Get Eaten September 3, 2010Let’s get your first question out of the way. Yes, there will be a Piranha 3D sequel (Piranha 3D2?). Sure, the horror comedy has only made $20 million going into its third weekend in theaters, but that’s almost the film’s production cost, so the Weinstein Company must see potential for… Read More