Trask Industries Celebrates Its 50th Anniversary In “Days of Future Past” Viral Campaign Caleb Hamilton, July 30, 2013July 30, 2013 During San Diego Comic-Con, 20th Century Fox brought Trask Industries to the Gaslamp District to show off its Mark I Sentinel. Well, it’s head. Trask employees handed out placards inviting people to help the company celebrate its 50th anniversary by visiting their website. Once there, you could see the silhouette of a new Sentinel but not much else. Today, the website was updated with a lot more information about the company and its brand new Sentinel, the Mark X. More after the jump!“What have you been doing for the last 50 years?” That’s the question Trask Industries is asking the Human race, because they’ve been working their butts off to protect us! Protect us from what, exactly? Terrorists? Aliens? The Plague? Not exactly. Using the Sentinel Program and Mutant Detection Device, Trask Industries is trying to keep Humans human by identifying, containing and eliminating the X-Gene, which causes mutation.You can explore the Trask Industries website and learn more about the company and what they’re doing to keep the X-Gene at bay. You can also view some archival footage of Bolivar Trask (Peter Dinklage) and see some pictures of Sentinels in the field, protecting cities and even the President of the United States. But is Trask really trying to protect us? There’s bound to be some resistance to what they’re doing. Stay tuned to MovieViral for any updates!X-Men: Days of Future Past is in theaters May 23rd, 2014! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing 20th Century FoxTrask IndustriesViral marketingX-Men: Days of Future Past
“The Amazing Spider-Man 2” Viral Video Teases Electro at Comic-Con July 17, 2013In anticipation of its Hall H panel on Friday afternoon, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 has been given quite the marketing push here at San Diego Comic-Con, as you can see from the banners above. There is also a new viral video featuring Jamie Foxx as villain Electro that teases the… Read More
Receive a Call From the Takers August 20, 2010Briefly: Sony Pictures has tried a few viral marketing attempts to gain interest in the upcoming heist film Takers, starring Chris Brown, rapper T.I., and an ensemble cast. Their latest gimmick is to let you get a call from one of the “Takers” on opening day, August 27th. Sign up… Read More
Webisodes for NBC’s Community To Premiere This Week April 21, 2010The Office can’t have all the web fun. Tomorrow, NBC’s Community will premiere their own web series, titled “The Spanish Video Assignment”. Take a look at the trailer for the webisodes after the break, and head over to the show’s NBC homepage on Thursday to see the whole thing. Read More