Dragon Con 2013: Press Interview With Michael Rooker of “The Walking Dead” And “Guardians of the Galaxy” Christopher Moore, September 27, 2013 During our recent convention coverage at the 2013 Dragon Con event held in Atlanta, MovieViral was lucky enough to be a part of a press interview with the charismatic and fun-loving Michael Rooker. He talked about a lot of things including his role of Merle on The Walking Dead, his friendship with director James Gunn (Slither, Super, Guardians of the Galaxy) and a few small tidbits on his turn as the blue alien Yondu in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie. Check out the full interview after the break.Thanks to Michael Rooker for taking time out of his busy schedule for the press interview. If you don’t already, you can follow the man himself on his official Twitter.You can also check out our other interview at Dragon Con with 80’s “Scream Queen” Linnea Quigley at this link. Conventions Events Interviews Viral Marketing Grand Theft Auto VGTA 5Guardians of the GalaxyJames GunnMarvel StudiosMichael RookerSlitherSuperThe Walking Dead
“Prometheus” Viral Video: Peter Weyland’s TEDTalk from 2023 (Updated) February 28, 2012December 28, 2012This week it was revealed that Guy Pearce would be the link to the original Alien films, playing Peter Weyland (of Weyland-Yutani), an entrepreneur who owns The Prometheus. In a video released today by TED, you can see Peter delivering a keynote at TED2023, as envisioned by Ridley Scott. More… Read More
This Week In Viral – New Forum Edition April 19, 2009March 27, 2010With our forum going through a transition phase during our upgrade, getting all the viral info is a bit complicated, so here’s just a brief review of some updates this week. Read More
Film Blogs Receive Mysterious “Alcatraz” Boxes January 11, 2012Producer J.J. Abrams is back in the mystery business with his new show Alcatraz, which is set to debut January 16th on FOX. To promote the upcoming premiere, FOX sent out mysterious boxes full of Alctraz stuff to various film blogs. Get the details after the break. Read More