‘Man Of Steel’ Viral Site Teaches You Everything About Krypton Michael Lee, November 5, 2013 With Zack Snyder‘s Man of Steel hitting Blu-ray/DVD shelves next week, Warner Brothers has launched a brand new viral website for the film called LearnAboutKrypton.com. The site is designed specifically to teach you everything the humans (LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Labs to be more precise) have learned about the planet Krypton. Everything from the culture and military weaponry to a planetary comparison between the planet itself and Earth have been included in this site to give you as much information about the planet Krypton as possible.Hit the jump to see the images pulled from the new viral site.It is very unlikely that we will find any sort of connection between the newly launched viral site and the upcoming tentatively titled Batman Vs. Superman film. Other than the LexCorp and S.T.A.R. Labs nod, there doesn’t seem to be anything else that would give us any hints to the plot of the highly anticipated sequel. The site is designed to be more of a promotional piece for the release of the Man of Steel Blu-ray/DVD than anything else. Whether or not that is the case, it is still a very fun to look at. So check out the new viral site, you may learn something new about Superman’s home world.Directed by Zack Snyder, Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Laurence Fishburne, Antje Traue, Ayelet Zurer, Christopher Meloni, Russell Crowe, Michael Kelly, Harry Lennix and Richard Schiff. The Blu-ray and DVD hits store shelves on November 12. Viral Marketing Viral News Amy AdamsAntje TraueAyelet ZurerBlu-RayChristopher MeloniDiane LaneDVDHarry LennixHenry CavillKevin CostnerLaurence FishburneMan of SteelMichael KellyMichael ShannonRichard SchiffRussell CroweWarner BrothersZack Snyder
Viral Video: Every Arnold Schwarzenegger Scream Ever November 19, 2010Sure, you know all of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s best one-liners, but what about his famous (and often impersonated) scream? Film Drunk has gone ahead and put all of his yelling into a single loud video. Watch after the break. Read More
Captain Jack Sparrow Surprises Students Looking to Mutiny Against Teachers October 9, 2010Captain Jack Sparrow took a slight detour in his sails to the farthest reaches of Earth. Johnny Depp, star of Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, stopped by a primary school in England as the famed Captain after nine-year-old Beatrice wrote to Jack asking him to help them mutiny against… Read More
Men in Black III Viral Ends With Bugeyes Joining the MIB May 15, 2012Well I guess I could have teased the ending a bit more, but considering how anticlimatic it is anyway, I figured it didn’t matter. The Men in Black III viral campaign seems to have come to an end, and Bugeyes gets what he’s always dreamed of. Get the details after… Read More